
Joseph-Stalin-1949The Stalin Society,  22 Dominion Road, Southall, UB2 5AA



The membership fee is £20 (waged) and £10 (unwaged).
Please make cheques or postal order payable to The Study Society.
Alternatively, you can pay online.

The aim of the Stalin Society is to defend Stalin and his work on the basis of fact and to refute capitalist, revisionist, opportunist and Trotskyist propaganda directed against him.

The activity of the Society includes:

(a) the study of and research upon his writings and actions;

(b) the translation of material on these subjects into and from other languages;

(c) the publication of material relating to such study and research;

(d) the celebration and commemoration of important occasions in Stalin’s life;

(e) the establishment of contact with other groups and individuals with a view to taking a common stand on issues and the joint organisation of future activities

(f) the establishment of contact with similar societies and groups abroad with a view to mutual benefit from experience and collaboration.